Football 101 In The Classroom Part 2 Equipment Overview By Coach Darrin Sheffer In part 1 of my Football 101 Course I taught my players/parents some of the extremely basic vocabulary terms used specifically in the game of American Football. In part 2 I want to teach my participants the ins and outs of all the equipment used by football players. Please view the video clip below where I explain how I would go about teaching this section. So far I have had 75+ coaches ask to be part of the Football 101 mailing list, I'm humbled that you guys think so highly of me. As part of this list you will be the first to have access to all of my Football 101 files to use as you see fit in your program. The files are part of my Google drive, most are too large to send over email alone. To be part of the mailing list you need to get your email address to me, either by DM on Twitter ...