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Showing posts from November, 2018

Death of the Fullback

Death of the Fullback By Darrin Sheffer In the age of Spread and Shred offenses there seems to be one position group routinely being phased out of the game: The Fullback.  Most Coaches would agree with this statement, right?  Well... saying that the Fullback is a dying breed isn't exactly a true statement.  In fact, the Fullbacks aren't dying out, they are evolving.  The reality is that the only thing that is really changing is peoples definition of what a Fullback really is.  It's all about perception and philosophy .   Pro-Style Fullback When you hear someone saying that they believe that the Fullback is a dying breed, most likely they are probably referring to the typical Pro-Style Offense Fullback, and in some sense they would be correct.  What are some words you think abou...