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Why Do We Coach? Can Neuroscience Give Us An Answer?

Why Do We Coach?
Can Neuroscience Give Us An Answer?
Coach Sheffer

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Neuroscience was my favorite class in Grad School, perhaps because of the fact that the Prof for the class was awesome.  It was there that I learned about chemicals in the brain called Endorphins.  In layman's terms, Endorphins are Neurotransmitters/Hormones that the brain creates each having a different function.  Certain Endorphins, like Dopamine, are associated with feeling good.  Dopamine is known as the "reward" Endorphin released when you do an enjoyable activity.  It's also responsible for drug/alcohol addiction, but let's keep this positive.

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There is a great YouTube video by WheezyWaiter 
where he tries to answer the question "Why do People Enjoy Being Parents?"  I highly recommend that you take the time to watch the video before continuing... Go Ahead, I'll still be here when you get back.

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One of the major points he makes is that people tend to CRAVE having someone who is entirely dependent on you.  Basically people are ADDICTED to the feeling of being needed/wanted by other people, especially people who are younger than you.  

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This resonated with what many coaches tend to say when asked "Why Do You Coach?"  Most tend to say something along the lines of "Relationships" or "It's all about the kids."  To me this sounds a lot like what happens to a parents brain.  Perhaps us coaches are addicted to the feeling of being needed?  I believe that many coaches tend to have strong parental/fathering instincts where we "crave" the relationships with the young people we interact with on daily basis's.  

Stay Obsessed 


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